Friday, December 29, 2006

I suck

Yes, I have not been updating my blog 40 times a day like I used to. I'm lazy, busy and tired. It's the "holiday season" so everyone is drunk and/or on vacation, so stop whining. I'll update more often in the very near future.


ghost riding the whip

People are really fucking stupid.

Thursday, December 28, 2006

Saddam Hussein is dead

Or if he isn't yet, he will be sometime in the next 48 hours.

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nice tits

The research focused on great tits in ten major European cities, including London, Paris, Amsterdam and Prague...

A bit of unintentional humour from the BBC.

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They didn't have to apologize:

“On behalf of the Department of Homeland Security, I offer you my sincere apology for having to undergo a strip search”

The sad thing is that this woman was just trying to visit her son in Florida. Instead she got imprisoned for several days, strip searched, and then deported to England (which seems odd since she is from Spain). But of course, you never know who might be a terrorist:

Jawad was traveling to Clearwater to visit her 16-year-old son, who lived with her ex-husband, Ahmad Maki Kubba. Kubba, an Iraqi exile and American citizen for 27 years, was praised last year by Gov. Jeb. Bush for organizing a group to vote in Iraq’s election.

If her husband isn't suspicious enough, perhaps her son:

Kubba said his ex-wife’s detention prompted his son to move to Spain.

“I lost my son because of what happened,” Kubba said. “My son wanted to be in the U.S. Navy, and he speaks both English and Arabic. He would have been just what they are looking for. What they did to Jawad was unfair and is hurting America.”

Nicely done DHS: you terrorized an innocent woman, fucked up her ex-husbands life, and scared off a desperately needed military recruit. At least you apologized, huh? That makes it all OK.

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google news

Some days I love Google News, today is not one of those days. Who the fuck is Keith Urban and why should I give a shit that he likes getting coked up before he fucks a lingerie model? I don't care enough to click on any of the dozen links to this stupid "news" story that Google News has decided I am interested in. I thought Google News had finally learned that I don't have any celebritarian needs. I can't imagine what I have searched for to throw it so completely out of wack.

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snuff films

I'm sure that as soon as the video of Saddam being executed is leaked onto the internet it will become the #1 video on YouTube. What a strange world we live in.

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Wednesday, December 27, 2006

just say now

If you're into the illegal drugs you may want to learn how to not get busted:

A one-time Texas drug agent described by his former boss as perhaps the best narcotics officer in the country plans to market a how-to video on concealing drugs and fooling police.

I don't use any illegal drugs, but it doesn't take a stoner to recognize the absurdity and injustice of the war on drugs. As a civil libertarian I can't help but wonder why the government should tell anyone what they are allowed to put into their bodies. If I want to shoot Draino into my veins that's my business. I've known a fair number of alcoholics and dope fiends of various stripes, invariably it is the alcoholics who totally fuck their lives up the most frequently and/or to the greatest degree. I've known people who have smoked pot for decades and are fine upstanding citizens who make large sums of money and have happy suburban lives. Still the demon weed is illegal and alcohol is legal. What's up with that? The war on drugs is not about protecting people from themselves or from shady drug dealers.


new blogger

do you work new blogger?



I told blogger to upgrade me to the new version, no idea what happened with it. My ancient blogger account still works, the Google Account my blog is supposed to work with has no blogs assigned to it. I guess the transition failed.

Thursday, December 21, 2006

more of the funny

Final one for today. For all you David Blaine fans:

god is a motherfucking genius

I'm convinced:

Damn, nevermind:


reach out touch faith

Why is it that crazy wingnut Christian theofascists are always on teevee?

As pointed out in the article linked above, these people represent a narrow segment of America:

Polls have shown the moral concerns of the American people do not mirror those of the religious right. Asked to name the most serious moral crisis in America today, 22 percent said “corruption in government/business” and 17 percent said “greed and materialism” or “people too focused on themselves”; only 3 percent cited “abortion and homosexuality.”

Most people don't give a shit and will generally just do what the teevee tells them. Putting shitheads like these guys on teevee is part of what gives the theofascists such disproportionate power. I'd rather watch Dutch prostate milking.

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fuck whitey

"I have colored friends around here and they never say anything"

The welcome sign at Allen Central High School is home to a grinning Confederate soldier, proudly waving a banner bearing the St. Andrew's cross of the Confederate battle flag. The courtyard nearby is composed of blue brick that forms the cross and a mural in the lobby pays homage to another rebel soldier, this one carrying the flag on horseback.

More rebel soldiers and Confederate flags cover the same walls that hold posters touting academic achievement, fundraising drives and notable attendance of the all-white student body.

It's cool though, because it's not about hatred or anything. It's about cultural heritage:

"It's our tradition," said Charles Randolph, 18. "If I was black, it probably would bother me. But if they can understand it wasn't put toward them in hatred, it wouldn't be an issue."

Except Allen Central High School is in Kentucky. Kentucky was never a part of the Confederacy. The Confederate flag is the Nazi swastika of America, and dumbfucks like Charles Randolph and his peers at Allen Central High School don't give a shit. They'll just keep on repeating what their parents taught them because they think their bullshit excuses somehow justify their love for a racist pro-slavery anti-American separatist movement that nearly destroyed this country and cost hundreds of thousands of lives.


killing machines

Support our troops!

Staff Sgt. Frank D. Wuterich was charged with 12 counts of murdering individuals and one count of murdering six people by ordering Marines under his charge to "shoot first and ask questions later" when they entered a house, according to charging sheets released by defense attorney Neal Puckett.

Puckett said his client is not guilty and acted lawfully.

From what I have seen, Wuterich and the others who participated are about as guilty as can be. When reports of the attack first were in the news there were several well made maps and time-lines which pretty definitively showed that this was a seriously fucked up war crime. There is evidence that men were executed in cold blood. There is evidence that women and children were deliberately targeted. There is evidence that the marines went from house to house systematically shooting everyone they encountered, including a three year old girl and several other children.

Yet these marines still have widespread support in the Camp Pendelton community. What's up with that? It's not the kind of reaction you expect towards people who have murdered children.


robot liberation!

I love the Brits:

Robots could one day demand the same citizen's rights as humans, according to a study by the British government.

If granted, countries would be obliged to provide social benefits including housing and even "robo-healthcare", the report says.

It may sound outlandish until you realize that reality is actually science fiction and that now is the future.

I'm with stoopid

In case you are a total fucking idiot and have decided to change your ways, NBC News has provided a quick overview of major highlights from the Pentagon in 2006.

My favorite:

At the beginning of 2006, the top U.S. military commander in Iraq, General George Casey was actually considering a sizeable reduction in the number of American forces on the ground from 127,000 to as low as 90,000 by the end of the year.

annoy until you give

I fucking hate the Salvation Army. Why is it OK for them to station people ringing that obnoxious bell in front of every entrance to every store across America? The people I feel really bad about are the cashiers, they have to listen to that shit all day long on top of dealing with customers driven insane by xmas. It's bad enough for the few minutes I am in a store, I can't imagine the misery they must go through for their entire shift. I'm surprised more cashiers don't flip out and start killing people, starting with the asshole bell ringers from the Salvation Army.

cognitive dissonance

After spending the last several years answering any questions about the number of troops in Iraq by saying he lets the generals decide how many troops they need, Bush has suddenly become a military genius.

Pre-military genius Bush:
"General Casey will make the decisions as to how many troops we have there," Bush said, adding: "He'll decide how best to achieve victory and the troop levels necessary to do so. I've spent a lot of time talking to him about troop levels. And I've told him this: I said, 'You decide, General.' "

The new military genius Bush, aka The Decider:

By yesterday, however, Bush indicated that he will not necessarily let military leaders decide, ducking a question about whether he would overrule them. "The opinion of my commanders is very important," he said. "They are bright, capable, smart people whose opinion matters to me a lot." He added: "I agree with them that there's got to be a specific mission that can be accomplished with the addition of more troops before I agree on that strategy."

A senior aide said later that Bush would not let the military decide the matter. "He's never left the decision to commanders," said the aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity so Bush's comments would be the only ones on the record.

Ever notice how senior aides nearly always have to give anonymous interviews to the press afterwards to make it clear exactly what the hell Bush is actually saying? I wish I could do that, anytime I show up somewhere drunk and incoherent and act like a total jackass some guy in a suite would come out afterwards and say whatever I would have said if I wasn't a drunken jackass.

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bad moon rising

Some classic Sonic Youth to brighten your day:

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

quality training

I'm not sure how this demonstrates courage, maybe in Iraqi culture frogs and rabbits are dangerous:

Politicians, tribal and religious leaders and soldiers watched displays of military prowess and one demonstration, hailed as a display of courage, in which five soldiers stopped before the grandstand to bite the heads off frogs.

A sixth holding a live rabbit slit open its stomach and ate its heart before tossing the carcass to his comrades to chew on.


Welcome BoingBoingers

For the first time ever, something I submitted to BoingBoing was posted.

Aren't you proud?

don't pull out!

So dirty, yet so funny:

fuck the FCC

The funniest thing about CNN (today) is that in an article about the unfairness of the FCC's anti-profanity rules they edit quotes so no one will have to soil their empty minds seeing dirty words spelled out:

Carter Phillips, a Washington attorney for Fox, repeatedly quoted the disputed language in open court, including Cher's remark that "people have been telling me I'm on the way out every year, right? So f--- 'em," and Richie's statement, "Have you ever tried to get cow s--- out of a Prada purse? It's not so f---ing easy."

What makes it doubly funny is that C-Span was there covering the hearing and one of the judges asked the FCC's lawyer if C-Span would get in trouble for broadcasting a trial in which people swear:

In an unusual move for a federal court, the judges allowed C-Span cameras to broadcast the hearing, which led Judge Peter W. Hall to ask Eric D, Miller, the lawyer for the government, whether a news broadcast on the case would draw FCC scrutiny.

Miller said no, because a news broadcast would not be intended "to pander or titillate."

Does CNN feel a need to edit quotes of foul language because CNN is not news?


Attacks in Iraq climb

The New York Times reports that attacks are at a record high. An interesting detail from the graph they include in the story, most attacks are against the American occupation forces. Most coverage these days seems to emphasize the civil war, probably because it's so much more lethal than the insurgency, but the insurgency is still going strong.

drink up

I'm trying to get my insurance to cover my bar tab:

According to the data, drinking a moderate amount of alcohol — up to four drinks per day in men and two drinks per day in women — reduces the risk of death from any cause by roughly 18 percent, the team reports in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Barrack Obama is so brown (2)

Barrack Obama has got a little Muslim in him.

And did you know his middle name is Hussein? Clearly he must hate America!


Komodo Christ

The new messiah is a lizard!

BoingBoing has picked up this story, of course they completely ignore the religious significance of this miraculous virgin birth. Godless Canadians!


me eyes are bigger than my belly...

some semi-obscure "trip-hop" from MTV Europe circa 1998:

George W. Bush is a dirty fucking hippie

He says we're losing in Iraq!

Ok, he doesn't exactly say that:

As he searches for a new strategy for Iraq, Bush has now adopted the formula advanced by his top military adviser to describe the situation. "We're not winning, we're not losing," Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post. The assessment was a striking reversal for a president who, days before the November elections, declared, "Absolutely, we're winning."

But what the fuck does it mean to say we aren't winning or losing. We're stuck in neutral? Does that make any kind of sense? We're occupying a foreign country with a deteriorating infrastructure, a powerful insurgency movement, and a growing civil war. How can you be neither losing or winning in a situation like that? If you aren't winning you are losing. We are losing.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

terrorist porn

Not the kind of thing you will ever see on American teevee (requires ability to play a .wmv).


theocracy rising

Why are Christians always trying to brainwash children?

“If you reject his gift of salvation, then you know where you belong,” Mr. Paszkiewicz was recorded saying of Jesus. “He did everything in his power to make sure that you could go to heaven, so much so that he took your sins on his own body, suffered your pains for you, and he’s saying, ‘Please, accept me, believe.’ If you reject that, you belong in hell.”

Now, if you aren't a total fucking wingnut you would think a teacher busted for trying to brainwash children would get fired and everyone would be pissed at them for abusing their government funded position of authority over children. Stop thinking:

In this tale of the teacher who preached in class and the pupil he offended, students and the larger community have mostly lined up with Mr. Paszkiewicz, not with Matthew, who has received a death threat handled by the police, as well as critical comments from classmates.

Even the principal of the school thinks the brainwasher is A-OK:

“I think he’s an excellent teacher,” said the school principal, Al Somma.

Now imagine if the teacher in question were a Muslim. If he didn't get lynched he would be in a prison cell already.


deep cover

It's interesting how whenever someone spots Iraqi military or police engaging in illegal behavior they are suddenly wearing a disguise:

Gunmen disguised as Iraqi soldiers stopped a bank truck carrying $1 million, stole the money, and kidnapped its four guards on Dec. 11.

What's up with that? Does anyone honestly believe that the Iraqi military and police forces aren't engaging in criminal and insurgent activities?


you suck worse than your stupid blog (10)

Due to the truck that clogged up my tubes I got really behind on giving out the award. Rather than try to catch up I am going to just shift to giving out the award once a week from now on. I'm lazy.

So, this weeks winner of the prestigious 10th ever "you suck worse than your stupid blog" award is:

I don't know what the deal is with this blog, it looks pretty popular. It's supposedly written by some 90+ year old Canadian named Don. As I've written previously, Canada is actively combating its reputation as the most boring nation in the Western hemisphere; clearly this blog is part of some diabolical Canadian viral marketing astroturf campaign.

Think about it:

Everyone thinks old people are boring.
Everyone thinks Canadians are boring.

What if there was an old Canadian who, instead of being doubly boring, had a blog and was interesting?!

It's just the kind of sneaky shit Canadians would pull to trick us into thinking they were cool and hip. I'm on to you Don!

UPDATE: It seems I hit a sore spot with "Don". I always post a comment to the most recent entry on the award winning blog to make sure they know they won. "Don" has deleted my notification comment. If this were Gitmo that would be an admission of guilt!


UPDATE #2: The viral marketing payload is spreading already. First the National Post (Canada's only newspaper) profiles "Don". Then BoingBoing (a notorious den of Canadians) promotes the "story". He sounds like such a cool and interesting old Canadian, not boring at all. It won't be long until he is doing commercials.

torture works!

Torture works according to the Libyan government:

The defendants all claimed innocence and said in testimony that earlier statements in which they confessed to deliberately infecting 426 children with the virus that causes AIDS were extracted by torture. Libyans have contended the defendants were carrying out an AIDS experiment that went wrong.

While executing health workers may sound totally insane to us, it's quality entertainment to the Libyan street:

Outside the courthouse in Tripoli on Tuesday, families carried posters demanding "Death for the children killers." After the verdict, the crowd chanted "Execution! Execution!" the Associated Press reported.

The scary thing about this is that there is apparently nothing anyone can really do. International pressure won them a new trial, but Libya seems to lack a functioning justice system so of course everyone is convicted again.
Graciously, Libya has offered not to execute the medical workers if a bribe is paid, but it's a huge amount of money:

The Libyan government has suggested compensation of 10 million euros (about $13 million) per child, which presumably would allow the defendants to be freed, but Bulgaria has refused to pay, saying it would be an admission of guilt.

Note to self: Never volunteer as a medical worker in Libya.

Dutch TV

More of the funny:

Uncensored teevee for the win!

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They hate our freedom:

G.W. Bush Presidential Library

The 110% heterosexual (and extremely manly) Jesus General has updated his architectural schematics for the George W. Bush Presidential Library. It is definitely worth a look, if I had a few hundred million laying around I would build it in a heartbeat.

melancholy snipers

Bush vs. Joint Chiefs

It's pretty atypical for a battle between the Joint Chiefs and the Commander-in-Chief to be carried out in public. Usually the Joint Chiefs just roll over and take it, when they don't they sure as hell don't go blabbing to the media about their unanimous opposition to the prez. I wonder if the fact that he is a miserable failure is finally sinking in for Bush?

Considering Bush's history of doing whatever he can get away with, I will not be surprised when he orders the "surge" anyways. No one should be surprised when the extra troops make no significant difference.

Jesus = teh sexy

What is it with the conservative Christians and sex?

Of course they don't say what exactly Pastor Beard was busted for, except that Ted Haggard didn't get methed up and fuck him in the ass. But chances are, if it's enough to get him fired it involved going mano y mano with someone...

Dear Christians, if you like gay sex even a little bit deep down where you don't tell anyone about it except Jesus - YOU ARE GAY. It's too bad that Jesus hates faggots like you.

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I live

Inclement weather has clogged my tubes until recently. Alas, regular posting shall resume shortly!

Thursday, December 14, 2006

the new way forward

Glenn Greenwald knows what's up:

Are they going to just sit by and let the President sink their party for a generation by "doubling down" and continuing to worship at the altar of its most extremist warmonger elements?

Unfortunately, that is exactly what they are going to do. Then we all get to sit here and watch the casualty count climb while they scream at us to clap louder to prove we support the troops. Fuck that shit.

it's like satire, except it isnt

Jonah Goldberg is objectively pro-Saddam Hussein:

I THINK ALL intelligent, patriotic and informed people can agree: It would be great if the U.S. could find an Iraqi Augusto Pinochet.

Dear Jonah,
Iraq already had a Pinochet. You used to say his Pinochetness was the reason we should attack Iraq.

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Michael Crighton jumps the shark

Being a crazy wingnut global warming denier just wasn't enough for the famed science fiction author:

“Next,” Michael Crichton’s new novel about the perils of biotechnology, has not proved as polarizing as his previous thriller, “State of Fear,” which dismisses global warming. But one of the new book’s minor characters — Mick Crowley, a Washington political columnist who rapes a baby — may be a literary dagger aimed at Michael Crowley, a Washington political reporter who wrote an unflattering article about Mr. Crichton this year.

That is seriously fucked up, but can't help but make me wonder why it is that Michael Crichton is featuring babies being raped in his latest novel. What's up with that shit? I can't imagine any reason to include a baby being raped in a work of fiction unless the work is specifically about people who rape babies or something. How the fuck did he jam a baby raping political columnists named after a critic into a novel about the evils of biotech?!?!

don't feed the rats

Today is weird news day around here!

"It was all very Edgar Allan Poe-ish"

A deputy investigating neighbors’ latest complaint that a reclusive homeowner fed rats and didn’t take out the garbage found a decomposing body in the home with rats feeding on it.

fresh baby meat

The Ukraine sounds like a happening place:

The pictures show organs, including brains, have been stripped - and some bodies dismembered.

A senior British forensic pathologist says he is very concerned to see bodies in pieces - as that is not standard post-mortem practice.

It could possibly be a result of harvesting stem cells from bone marrow.

I am all for stem cell research, but it's crazy shit like this that freaks people out about it. Really though, this is not a problem specific to stem cells. You can buy freshly harvested body parts in a variety of countries if you know who to talk to. There have long been allegations that the Chinese government routinely sells organs harvested from executed prisoners. Fundamentally it is capitalism: there is a demand so someone is supplying it.

The irony is that the butchering of freshly born babies to harvest stem cells would probably not be economically viable if the US just mandated that all aborted fetuses be harvested for stem cells. Of course the Christian theofascists would flip their shit if that ever happened. It makes sense though, aborted fetuses are typically just thrown out as medical waste right now. Why not get some use out of them? It's not going to change the rate of abortions, the only thing that ever has is education and access to birth control (or the lack thereof). It will however benefit scientific progress while simultaneously crashing the stem cell black market, thus saving the lives of Ukrainian babies now and the lives of everyone who will later benefit from the advancement of our knowledge of stem cells.

Joint Chiefs: Please don't listen to John McCain!

The Joint Chiefs say Senator McCain's idea of increasing troop levels in Iraq is totally fucking stupid:

The chiefs do not favor adding significant numbers of troops to Iraq, said sources familiar with their thinking, but see strengthening the Iraqi army as pivotal to achieving some degree of stability. They also are pressing for a much greater U.S. effort on economic reconstruction and political reconciliation.

Of course what they do advocate is the same old shit that hasn't worked thus far.

During the '04 election Bush said Iraqi troops were getting trained quickly and would soon take charge. Has it happened? Not so much. The Iraqi troops are riddled with insurgents, are notoriously undisciplined and unprofessional, and have a habit of avoiding conflict or switching sides. The death squads and militias operate freely, their power has only grown and continues to do so.

The entire time they have said they are doing everything they can to rebuild the Iraqi economy. Has it happened? Not at all. They've spent billions of dollars (and can't account for where a lot of it went) and the economy is in the worst shape it has ever been. Water, sewer, and electricity are the worst they have ever been and only continue to get deteriorate.

Inhale or get off the pot, assholes.

it was tasty

This is too fucking weird not to post:

The young buck had nub antlers — and seven legs. Lisko said it also had both male and female reproductive organs.

Found on BoingBoing of course, where really weird shit always finds a home.

Laura Bush is wack

Apparently things are actually going rather well in Iraq, we just don't hear about it because the librul media lies. What a dirty dirty whore she is. I guess when you're loaded on Xanax all the time it's harder to tell if your husband is bullshitting you.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

O Come All Ye Black Folk

It's rather telling that it is always the conservatives getting in trouble for being racist pricks:

The carol, entitled, "O Come All Ye Black Folk," was published in the most recent edition of the Primary Source, which bills itself as "the journal of conservative thought at Tufts University."

The parody of "O Come All Ye Faithful" calls black people "boisterous" and proclaims, "Born into the ghetto. O Jesus! We need you now to fill our racial quotas."

While it is not true that all conservatives are racists, it is true that the vast majority of racists are conservatives.

On the subject of stupid conservatives, how the fuck can anyone be conservative in college? Smoke some pot and get laid dipshits. If that doesn't work, stop wanking it to pictures of Ann Coulter and start paying more attention in class.

He's from the oldschool

This Catholic priest got busted trying to relive the glory days of his church:

According to the charge sheet, Seromba directed a militia that "attacked with traditional arms and poured fuel through the roof of the church, while gendarmes and communal police launched grenades and killed the refugees."

After failing to kill all the people inside, Seromba ordered the demolition of the church, the document said.

If only priests showed such dedication in combating pedophilia! I know, it's a cheap shot but molesting children earns you all the cheap shots in the world.

racial profiling works!

Really, it's true - racial profiling works:

Non-Latinos and people with lighter skin were plucked out of line and given blue bracelets.
The rest, mostly Latinos with brown skin, waited until they were ''cleared'' or arrested by ''la migra,'' the popular name in Spanish for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), employees said.

Who knew there were American citizens with brown skin? You learn something new every day! Of course when only brown skinned people get scrutiny from la migra we will see a huge spike in albino foreigners taking all the good jobs, you really just can't win.


soy is part of the gay agenda (update)

The very manly and 110% heterosexual Jesus General (yes, that is his real name) has written a letter of support to the patriot who exposed the gayifying effects of soy on our children I mentioned previously.

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Batman is a Russian assasin

Check out the giant Batman logo on the floor of the new Russian spy headquarters in this BBC article.

Despite finding this on BoingBoing no one has mentioned whether the Russian government will be sued for copyright or trademark violation for totally ripping off the Batman logo. Probably because greedy IP lawyers are scared they'll get some polonium spiked sushi. I think there might be a lesson there for the hardcore p2p filesharers...

Presidenting is hard work

Bush is saying he won't rush to come up with a fix for The Debacle in Iraqle

I really can't blame him, it's not like there is an emergency over there or anything. Take your time dude, our soldiers don't have anything better to do than cruise around Baghdad getting their dicks blown off in a civil war.

Welcome Slashdotters

I'm amazed how many of you were suckered in by my devious viral marketing ploy. You are totally fucking stupid!!!

Not really, I'm just being mean. Plus, my mp3 collection is already gone thanks to a dead HDD.

So thanks for visiting, feel free to leave me a pissy comment telling me how much I suck. I've been reading Slashdot since ~1997 so I know that's what you are probably good at.

vorsprung durch technik

Europeans aren't happy about SUVs.

Stereotypical anti-SUV rant:
Can't say I blame them, most SUV drivers are total assholes who don't know how to drive and don't actually need an SUV for the shitty driving they do. Of all the SUV owners I know there is only one who ever actually drives their SUV anywhere other than around suburbia or in a city. I see SUV drivers every single day and always take note of who is in the vehicle. Invariably it is a 30 to 40 year old woman, sometimes with children but most of the time by herself. If it's a Hummer it's almost always a 40 to 50 year old man, nearly always by himself. I can't think of the last time I saw an SUV filled to capacity driving around town, it's such a rare sight. Do you really need a giant fucking vehicle to cart your fat ass to and from the fucking mall? If you are angry right now it is because you know what I have written is true.

the riot act

King Abdullah is lucky Dick Cheney didn't shoot him in the face:

Saudi Arabia's King Abdullah has warned Vice President Dick Cheney that Saudi Arabia would back the Sunnis if the United States pulls out of Iraq, according to a senior American official.

The official said the king "read the riot act" to the vice president when the two met last month in the Saudi capital, Riyadh.

Since it seems inevitable that the US will be forced to withdraw from Iraq I imagine we will be seeing what is in effect a proxy war in Iraq between Iran and Saudi Arabia. That's precisely the kind of scenario that can spin radically out of control and engulf the region. I'm sure a civil war between the two major branches of Islam will make the genocidal maniacs in Bush's base happy. Democracy is messy!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

blind people + guns = awesome

Texas is on the cutting edge of the disabled rights debate:

A Texas lawmaker is aiming to allow the blind to hunt. Texas State Representative Edmund Kuempel has introduced a measure that would allow blind people to hunt any game that sighted people can currently pursue.

If we're going to let blind people shoot animals, why not let them drive cars as well? Most drive-through places are already set up with brail...

Rumsfeld wants the terrorists to win

First he's all like "hey, Iraq is so fucked up" and now he says The War on Terror is stupid.

It's funny how almost everyone who leaves the Bush team starts talking shit afterwards.

the ugly American

Did you know that the US is now ranked the most unfriendly country to visitors?

I wonder how it ranks in general unfriendliness. I would guess fairly high, in my experience my fellow Americans are a bunch of rude bastards.

I admit I can be a rude bastard too sometimes, but typically I need some provocation to get me going. If you cut me off in your car I'm going to flip you off. If you try to cut in front of me in a line I am going to swear at you. If you hit me in the ass with your shopping cart and then don't apologize I will make a snide comment about the illegality of driving under the influence and then stare back at you until you fuck off. All of these things have happened to me recently. What the fuck is wrong with people? Is it really so hard to not be an asshole? In my experience, compared to places in Europe and Canada I have been, Americans are a bunch of uncivilized dickheads.

soy is part of the gay agenda

I don't know what to say about this except that I now fully understand why they call it World Nut Daily:

Soy is feminizing, and commonly leads to a decrease in the size of the penis, sexual confusion and homosexuality.

A devil food is turning our kids into homosexuals!!!

chicks don't ride bikes

Science has shown riding bikes is damaging to your lady bits:

Women who participated in prolonged, frequent bicycling had decreased genital sensation and were more likely to have a history of genital pain than women runners...

That's no good.

Is the right ever right?

Way back in college I recall a class discussion in which a student made a comment about how it was beneficial to take good ideas from both the right and left. The professor asked what good ideas the right had ever come up with. The entire class was stumped. I am still stumped.

Fundamentally, the right claims to be about preserving the status quo or restoring a previous status quo (which is often mythical). That's pretty much the dictionary definition of "conservatism". It's true that people like fascists or neoconservatives have radical ideas that don't exactly fit into this definition, but in effect they are just extreme implementations and are still framed in the same context of preserving/restoring a status quo. They are still of the right.

Do we live in a utopia? Conservatism makes sense in a utopia. Did we formerly live in a utopia? Conservatism makes sense as a project to restore a decayed utopia. Obviously the answer to both questions is no.

The world is a fucked up place and the only hope for improving it is progress, i.e. progressivism, i.e. the left. Now there is a lot of disagreement about how to make progress and what kind of progress to make and what the end state of progress is (and if there even is an end state) - but at the heart of it all the left is about finding ways improving the human condition. To me that makes a hell of a lot more sense than anything the right has ever advocated.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (9)

Todays winner:

I do not understand what is going on with this blog. The current top post begins like this:

My baka brother bought me a GUNPLA. If you don't know that, watch some Keroro Gunso then. Keke... it's just gundam model lahw. Hoever, mine isn't about model but instead I got to make one of the characters in Keroro Platoon. And it is the Yellow, cunning, mysterious and intelligent KURURU. Not to mention, he is oso one of my favourite character too.

After that comes a series of weird pictures. I believe the blogger is assembling a plastic toy. Is it possible that people blog in sweatshops now?

The blog's title is "Nipple and Nibbler", which makes you think it would be pornographic but it's not as far as I can tell unless you have a weird plastic toy-assembly fetish. Whatever is going on it is really weird and confusing.

Barrack Obama is so brown

Jeff Greenfield was sniffing glue in the green room at CNN:

But, in the case of Obama, he may be walking around with a sartorial time bomb. Ask yourself, is there any other major public figure who dresses the way he does? Why, yes. It is Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who, unlike most of his predecessors, seems to have skipped through enough copies of "GQ" to find the jacket-and-no-tie look agreeable.

Jeff Greenfield dresses like Jacque Chirac. Jacque Chirac is a cheese-eating surrender monkey; ergo, Jeff Greenfield is a dirty Frenchman who hates America and should not be on the television. Please CNN, don't let that anti-American glue-sniffing frog back on my teevee!


Fascism works!

It sure sounds like the WaPo is trying to say that fascism works.

It's odd how right-wingers are so fascinated with systems of government that require death squads to function.

Monday, December 11, 2006

get yr war on!

The WaPo says the reichwingers are all up in arms about the Iraq Study Group report:

The criticism of the panel, co-chaired by former secretary of state James A. Baker III and former representative Lee H. Hamilton (D-Ind.), has burst forth from the leading institutions of the right: the National Review, the Wall Street Journal editorial page and the Weekly Standard; conservative talk radio; and scholars at some of Washington's top think tanks.

Guess what assholes, you got us into this mess with your bullshit and lies, so shut your fucking pieholes!

Who cares that neoconservatives are mad about getting called on their fuckup? Of course they are mad! They have been completely discredited by the disaster that is Iraq. Why should anyone listen to what they have to say about the ISG report or anything else for that matter?


What is wrong with rightwingers that they can't figure out why leftists don't like mass-murdering dictators?

Had his regime confined itself to torturing and “disappearing” its opponents while the country staggered from economic crisis to economic crisis, Pinochet would have been the object of mild theoretical reproach, but not of the strident and emotional obloquy that leads to demonstrations outside embassies. It was his achievements, not his faults, that were so hated.

You keep telling yourself that you fucking fascist.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (8)

Here is an award winner which truly deserves it:

I don't know why the title of this blog is "Prewritten", but I do know that it sucks and that the guy who writes it is an asshole. Case in point: Ann Coulter turns him on.

My favorite post is this one, in which our winner expresses his new found admiration for Wal-Mart. Wal-Mart has earned his love by embracing the phrase "Merry Christmas". I wonder if he'll blow me if I start saying Merry Christmas.

He is really just another typical reichwinger:

There were no WMDs - at least not that we can find NOW. But that's not the point. The point is that at the time, everyone's intel was saying the same thing. And the U.N. did nothing. Just as it now does nothing as genocide is raging in Africa. No, it's the United States' fault for not fixing that problem.

True to form, he implies the WMD were snuck out of the country (or so amazingly well hidden that no one can find them) AND mentions the whole "everyone said they had WMD so it must be true" AND blames the UN for not getting involved in Iraq. It's like the spectacular failures of Bush in Iraq and all of the revelations about the incredible efforts made at manipulating the US into war never happened, suddenly it's 2003 again.

Dear dumbfuck wingnuts:
Please pull that aluminum tube out of your ass and stop snorting the yellowcake: the attack on Iraq is, was, and always will be a complete and total fuckup.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (7)

Getting caught up on awards, just one more to go after this:

This is the first time that the Next Blog button has truly failed me. This blog, "Shadow of the Hegemon", DOES NOT SUCK. In fact, way back in the day when I originally started blogging I used to read it regularly. I had thought he had abandoned it, perhaps he just went through a hiatus.

Demosthenes is one sharp dude, the only thing about his blog that sucks is that he doesn't update often enough and not enough people read it. Actually, the other thing that sucks is it seems he is more focused on Canadian politics. No offense to those of you in Canadia, but your politics don't hold a lot of interest to non-Canadians. The content will never really interest us so my recommendation: Ditch the politeness and rational discourse and start fighting. Anyone who has ever watched hockey knows how much Canadians like to see blood on the ice. Imagine if it were politicians' blood. This will do much to combat Canadia's image as the most boring nation in the Western hemisphere. I know it's not an accurate representation of the excitement that is 21st century Canadia, but if disputes in Parliament were settled with fisticuffs the whole world would know that Canadia is a happening place. Also, please officially change your name to Canadia. No one but Canadians calls it "Canada" except on TV and that's just so you guys won't find out.


In summation: Go read Shadow of the Hegemon, even if you don't give a shit about Canada.

Faith-based foreign policy

For decades, US policy has sought to avoid intermingling government programs and religious proselytizing. The aim is both to abide by the Constitution's prohibition against a state religion and to ensure that aid recipients don't forgo assistance because they don't share the religion of the provider.

Not anymore: convert or die


The War on Christmas: Abu Santa

This is a pretty funny video.

Somewhat related:
Has anyone else noticed that Santa Clause is a totalitarian pedophile?

Think about it; he is constantly monitoring children, he knows what they are doing all the time. He knows when they have been bad and when they have been good and he rewards or punishes them based on this permanent surveillance. We create this mythical Big Brother in the minds of our children, acculturating them to a life free of privacy.
When I was young and still believed in Santa I always felt really uncomfortable when I was taking a piss. I didn't want Santa looking at my dick, but I couldn't think of any way to hide it from him since he saw everything. Santa Clause made me feel dirty.

Faith-based prisons

Those anti-Americans at the New York Times have a hate filled article on the efforts of Christians to use tax money to punish prisoners by forcing them to convert.

It's disturbing how pervasive the Christian theofascist recruitment effort is. Every corner of society is being infiltrated, from the rich criminals in the Pentagon to the poor guys in prison because they couldn't afford a good lawyer.

the sad songs

Here is some semi-obscure Brit-pop to cheer you up:

you suck worse than your stupid blog (6)

No awards were given this weekend so I'll see if I can get a few of these done today.

Winner #6:

There's not much that can be said about "Dark Recesses of a Fucked up Mind". The kid who writes it is morbidly depressed. You can't really blame kids for being depressed, the world is a depressing fucked up place. I was not a happy child, so I can sympathize. I at least didn't put my depressing whining on the internet though. Cheer up goth kid, someday you can move out of your parents house and do whatever makes you happy!

Jesus was a fascist

One of the most worrying trends in the US these days is the rise of Christian theofascists:

In the video, much of which was filmed inside the Pentagon, four generals and three colonels praise the Christian Embassy, a group that evangelizes among military leaders, politicians and diplomats in Washington. Some of the officers describe their efforts to spread their faith within the military.

These theofascists have managed to wrap their fucked up anti-American ideology in the flag, "old-fashioned American values" has become code for the exact opposite of real traditional American values. They have transformed the perception of their efforts at overthrowing the American system of semi-secular government with an authoritarian Christian theocracy into a kind of faux patriotism which they use to infiltrate the highest levels of the US military, government, and business.

Growing up I was forced to attend one of their brainwashing factories so I am intimately familiar with their methods and intent. I am absolutely convinced that they pose a greater threat to the continuation of liberal democracy in the US than any other group or nation on earth. Including Iran, North Korea, and al Qaeda. They are everywhere, and despite the setbacks they have suffered over the past year (gay methheads, lost elections, etc.), they are not going away anytime soon. Many of them may be discouraged right now, but their leaders are actively working on transforming that into a righteous anger to be harnessed at a later date.



Something I don't understand: Only 500 Iraqi refugees are allowed in the US per year.

It seems like the least we could do is let more of the refugees in to our country. We are the primary cause of their need to flee their homes. Until recently it was our soldiers occupying Iraq which were the primary cause for the refugees inability to return to their homes. Now the civil war is the primary cause, but I'm sure the heavy hand of occupation is still a factor (and would there really be a civil war if there was not an occupation?).

In short:
The US is responsible for creating hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees.

The US has a moral obligation to mitigate the misery of these refugees.

The treatment of these refugees by the US is immoral.

Now you might be thinking, "who gives a fuck, you anti-american librul?" or something along those lines. The answer is that no one gives a fuck. Thousands of Iraqi civilians die per month and no Americans give a fuck, it's part of being an immoral nation that the average person doesn't care about the atrocities done in their name. It's hard enough for most Americans to work up any guilt about dead US soldiers, why should anyone care about Iraqis?


Saturday, December 09, 2006


Lawrence Lessig has discovered dead musicians are rising from their graves to advocate for retroactive copyright extensions in the UK.

Britney Spears' cunt

So I saw in the paper that Britney Spears is running around LA flashing her stuff. What's up with that? What is wrong with journalism today that this is big news? If shit like the genocide in Darfur got half the coverage that Britney Spears and her pussy-flashing did there might be a hell of lot less dead civilians in the world. I think Britney Spears and other celebrity whores should travel to troubled regions of the world and flash their meat. They could call it the Pussies for Peace tour - the paparazzi would love it, minus the whole having to wear a flak jacket thing and all those starving children and dead bodies ruining their celebrity porn.

Friday, December 08, 2006

birthday deathmatch: cougar vs. little girl

What a rowdy birthday party. The fucked up thing is that the cougar was "destroyed" for a totally logical response to having a little kid sneak up behind it. What the fuck do you expect a cougar to do, sing and dance for the little maggots?! Apparently so. The rich asshole who thought it would be a good idea to hire a cougar as entertainment for a little kids birthday party should be charged with cruelty to animals and child endangerment. What a fucking prick.

Condi '08

The New York Times tries to play the ISG report as Baker vs. Condi. I've always doubted the whole "Condi is going to run for Prez" scuttlebutt, but deep down I've feared it could be true. If she becomes known as the ISG report's punching bag she will damn her chances of ever running, scapegoats get kicked to the curb. She's pretty well damned now that the conventional wisdom has finally turned against Bush's failed Iraq stategery. Another one going down with the ship.

hack the planet!

Wiimote + Half Life 2 on a computer =

stay the course

Who are these 30%?

What exactly do they like about him?

My favorite thing about Bush is that he always seems to get confused about what the latest talking points are. Every time he has to speak with new talking points he always accidentally reverts to the old ones and everyone gets confused. It's so funny because you know Tony Snow is watching on TV and cursing to himself about having to spin it at the next Whitehouse press briefing.

Muslims are out to get you!

Anyone want to take bets on whether this crazy motherfucker is a Christian wingnut?

Muslims mess with Texas

Who do these Muslims think they are trying to build a mosque? If they want religious freedom they can just go back to wherever they came from!

Don't mess with Texas:

A plan to build a mosque in this Houston suburb has triggered a neighborhood dispute, with community members warning the place will become a terrorist hotbed and one man threatening to hold pig races on Fridays just to offend the Muslims.

The best quote is from the pig racer:

Though he now concedes the Muslims are probably not after his land, Baker said he is obligated to go through with the pig races, probably within the next few weeks, because "I would be like a total idiot if I didn't. I'd be the laughingstock now because I've gone too far."

Guess what jack-ass, you are already a total idiot.

Friday random fact

The EU flag only has 12 stars:

On 8 December 1955 the Committee of Ministers adopted this as the European flag. "Against the blue sky of the Western world, the stars represent the peoples of Europe in a circle, the symbol of unity. Their number shall be invariably set at twelve, the symbol of completeness and perfection ... just like the twelve signs of the zodiac represent the whole universe, the twelve gold stars stand for all peoples of Europe – including those who cannot as yet take part in building up Europe in unity and peace."

If I remember next Friday I will post another random fact.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (5)

It's Friday and Battlestar Galactica is on tonight, I'm just not feeling mean-spirited enough to give out an award today. I did click the Next Blog button a few times, I saw a few crappy blogs but nothing which rose to the level of this prestigious award. Instead of giving out the award I am going to give it in.

Today's winner of the "you suck worse than your stupid blog" award is:

small flowers crack concrete

This blog totally fucking sucks. Who wants to read about the blogger stepping in dog shit? What kind of a man likes Fiona Apple as a musician? Why does the blogger have to fucking swear so much? Why is the blogger talking about himself in the third-person? What a total fucking idiot.

My favorite thing about this blog is that the blogger hasn't realized that no one reads his blog but he still posts several entries a day. Here's a clue asshole: No one gives a shit what you say on your stupid blog!

My second favorite thing is how many times he writes the words blog and blogger. They are totally stupid words and yet he just keeps on using them over and over. This blogger is a complete dumbfuck and his blog is total shit.

with friends like these

Who needs enemies?

When you buy oil you make Saudis richer. When you make Saudis richer they give more money to Iraqi insurgents. When Iraqi insurgents have more money they buy more weapons. When Iraqi insurgents have more weapons they kill more Americans.

Your crappy gas mileage is killing American soldiers, asshole.

Now as you may have read in previous posts, I hate our troops (probably even more than you do). This is why I drive a Hummer to work every day. I keep it loaded down with weights too (don't worry, they are all made in China), 15mpg just isn't low enough so I needed that extra edge that driving alone in a giant SUV full of boxes of magnetic "Support Our Troops" ribbons gives me. Whenever stupid liberals give me shit for cruising everywhere in a Hummer I pull a magnetic ribbon from a box and try to stick it on their sissy hybrid car. That always shuts them up.


Stepping in dog shit sucks. Whoever let their dog shit in my front yard and didn't pick it up is an asshole. I'm sitting here thinking, "hey, it really smells like dog shit everywhere I go!" when it finally occurs to me it might be coming from me. I know, I'm a little slow sometimes. How hard is it to pick up a little dog shit? Just carry a fucking bag with you, there are trash cans all over the place so it's not like you need to lug a bag of shit around with you.

Fiona Apple

I get a lot of shit for being a dude and liking Fiona Apple, but whatever. She writes good songs and can really rock out, I'm not afraid to admit it. You know you think she is totally fucking hot, so you'll watch the video anyways:

fat-cat in a top-hat...

Digby has called it.

I think he missed out on explicitly bringing class into it. Bush and his ilk represent a specific faction of the capitalist class, their efforts at institutionalizing aristocracy are fundamentally a kind of class warfare. What's interesting is that in many ways it is a battle fought against other factions within the capitalist class (c.f. Buffet and Gates). I think that's a damn good sign, even if the other factions will never genuinely be progressive nothing is more conservative than an aristocracy.

google ads = teh funny

Right now I've got an Ann Coulter ad running on my blog, probably because Google likes being ironic. If you click on it you see her ugly face staring you down and a form to fill out so she can email you instructions on how to stop the liberal menace. One of the most disturbing things I've ever read on the internet was a troll who would post "erotic" stories about meeting Ann Coulter and getting picked up by her to engage in kinky sex. Absolutely horrifying. Any time I see her it's all I can think of unfortunately.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

everything is under control

And here all this time I thought they wanted to stick a finger up my butt every time I try to get on a plane because I've got a pretty face!

The thing I love most about these programs is that no one really cares about them. The usual whiners from the ACLU and other human rights groups get a few quotes in the news about how every expert agrees these programs are doubleplus ungood and they shit on everything this county is supposed to stand for. Then you never hear about them again. No one really gives a shit that the government does totally illegal things.

the kids are alright (reprise)

The totally manly (and completely non-French) Jesus General has liberated Bill "Falafel-Factor" O'Reilly's unaired segments inspired by the political exploitation of children on teh intarwebs.

Breaking News: President Bush is total fucking idiot!

The Prez sez (among other things):
"I don't think Jim Baker and Lee Hamilton expect us to accept every recommendation."

Except that's exactly what they are saying. They are explicitly saying that picking and choosing which recommendations to follow is totally fucking stupid (although they unfortunately don't use those exact words). It's funny how rarely the traditional media calls people on their bullshit. I admit, I can't find the quotes since I heard them on NPR this morning - but then I'm not a professional journalist or anything and I don't have time to dig up the exact quote at the moment.

the kids are alright

you suck worse than your stupid blog (4)

Winner #4:

I can't figure out what is going on with this blog. Its title is "WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! very cool blogs posted." I have no idea who MOSHIACH is and no way of figuring that out from the content on the blog. That might be due to the lack of any content. There is a single entry which makes no sense. I'm kind of tempted to email the address listed just to ask what the fuck is up with their stupid blog. In addition to giving no clue who MOSHIACH might be, there is no indication of why he is wanted now, and there are no "very cool blogs posted".

My favorite part of "WE WANT MOSHIACH NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! very cool blogs posted" is the picture of the weird old guy. I suspect that he is MOSHIACH, yet the caption under his picture says "The Lubavitcher Rebbe". Perhaps that is his job title and his name is MOSHIACH. Whatever.

Now you dear reader may be thinking, "that blog doesn't suck so bad". You are correct. It isn't totally fucking horrible like some of the previous winners, it's just really bizarre and seems to be completely useless.

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


What the hell is up with the stupid commercials for lawyers on TV all the time? If there is enough money in suing companies for exposing workers to asbestos then why can't these lawyers afford better commercials? Do that many people really have mesothelioma (or whatever the hell it is)? Commercials are already bad enough without shitty lawyers flooding the teevee trying to drum up business.

Teevee makes me cranky. Now, you dear reader are probably thinking "why the hell is he watching it then?" - I don't know. I come home from work and clean up and make dinner and all that shit and then I'm just tired and worn out and so I sit down and turn on the teevee for awhile. It's a terrible habit, worse than any drug I've done. I have reduced my "intake" a large amount, yet I just can't stop. Most of the time there is total crap on and it makes me angry and miserable. The few times crap isn't on it gets constantly interrupted by lawyers asking me if I have been exposed to asbestos and have fucking mesothelioma.

Battlestar Galactica does kick all ass though, even with the constant commercials. They could play video of a drugged up Rush Limbaugh sucking Dick Cheney's gnarled little dick while surrounded by gangs of lawyers chanting litanies about asbestos exposure during the commercial breaks and I would still watch Battlestar Galactica.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (3)

I know this is supposed to be a once a day thing, but I couldn't help myself:

Mr. Cox's Blog Assignment

I don't know who Mr. Cox is, but the blog he has assigned this person to is severely fucked up. Really it is just that the color scheme is fucking atrocious. The content consists solely of reviews of other websites. Really stupid reviews. Stupider than this review. In case you doubt me, read this:

i like the colors . When you go to this website a video automatically starts.
i dont like how things are set up. everything looks like its cluttered. and you cant even see the whole picture at the bottom. its cut off. there is no scroll on the side.
how all the link are put in place. and make a scroll and the page fitted.

Now there may be some valid complaints here, but they are so poorly made I can't really tell. Could it be that "you can't even see the whole picture at the bottom" because the reviewer needs to make their browser window larger? What browser are they even using? Could it be that their screen has a small resolution? What does "how all the link are put in place" even mean? I don't know, and I doubt Mr. Cox does either. If I were Mr. Cox I would be very disappointed in how poorly my assignment was being carried out. Unless of course Mr. Cox's assignment was to write semi-literate website reviews on a seriously ugly blog.

another dirty hippie

Bill "Loofah me in the Falafel" O'Reilly is a dirty hippie who wants to cut and run from Iraq:

"Let's get our people out of there. Let them kill each other. Maybe they'll all kill each other, and then we can have a decent country in Iraq."

teh intarweb

Cory Doctorow is a sharp dude.

I remember the AT&T ads he mentions and they were great to reference for anyone I ever talked to about what the Information Superhighway/World Wide Web/Computers could become. Even if AT&T is a shit company and never really delivered, they at least pushed out some cool ideas to a lot of people and made my wild predictions easier for my friends to understand.

I hate our troops

I fully support the efforts of our military to get more Iraq veterans to commit suicide.
They signed up to serve in the military, if they crack from the stress they deserve a good hazing by their commanding officers. The fact that 80% of soldiers who show signs of PTSD don't get referred to help is a sign of just how effective our military is at weeding out sissies AND saving money.

you suck worse than your stupid blog (2)

Today's winner of the second ever "you suck worse than your stupid blog" is:

I was worried I might have some difficulty finding a website that topped the first winner, but the Next Blog button did not let me down. My first complaint about that blog is that he totally ripped off my 31337 blog template. I decided to add some ads to mine so people wouldn't get our sites confused and start coming here to read about how Muslims are all violent and anti-Semitic and are taking over Europe because most Europeans are a bunch of decadent sissies. At least that is what I think his website is about, he links to LittleGreenFootballs approvingly which is a pretty strong indicator that he is total fucking wingnut.

My favorite part about this blog is this entry, which claims (via a link to LittleGreenFascists) that the ex-FSB agent assasinated with polonium in London converted to Islam on his deathbed because he was tight with Islamist Chechen rebels (aka The Terrorists). It really sums up everything wrong with that blog in one single post: The guy writing it actually cares that someone allegedly converted to Islam right before they died. That is relevant information in his fucked up ideology. Now personally I think that entire story is classic disinfo put out as part of Russia's PR campaign to combat the widespread belief that Putin ordered the hit, but whatever.

I will give that wingnut credit for one thing: He hates Nazis. Your typical wingnut from Germany likes Nazis, so that blogger is part of a new breed. Or maybe he isn't a native German. Regardless, the only good Nazi is a dead Nazi.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

those wacky dutch people

TV in The Netherlands sounds like it is awesome.

My favorite quote from the CNN article:

The program, which claims to have an educational purpose, caused a scandal even before its first episode. One of the presenters experiments onscreen with all kinds of soft and hard drugs. The program also features the exploration of sexual activities, including S&M, swingers clubs, squirting female orgasms and prostate milking (shown in full detail), leading to a flurry of political disapproval.
Sounds educational to me! It's reading things like this which really hammer home just how completely censored the teevee is in the US. You can't even say shit. Everyone says shit. An even better example, when someone saying fuck is newsworthy the news can't report that they said fuck. Dick Cheney told a Senator to "go fuck himself" on the Senate floor. You can't put that on the news because you know, little kids might hear a bad word. Fuck that shit. The news is full of people being murdered and raped every single day, the word fuck isn't what we should be worried about.

As totally fucking insane Dutch teevee sounds from the article, I salute those crazy motherfuckers. If we had more people smoking pot and demonstrating whatever the fuck prostate milking is on our teevee we would all be a lot better off. At the very least it would finally give the Focus on the Family theofascist-types something genuine to complain about.

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where has all the money gone?

The richest 2 per cent of adults own more than half of global household wealth, and almost all of the well-heeled live in North America, Europe and richest Asia-Pacific countries.

Fucking rich people own the world.

Nothing wrong with there being rich people, what is wrong is that there are so few of them and they just keep on getting richer while the rest of the world doesn't. The wealthiest 10% of people in the world own 85% of everything in existence. Where is the threshold that breaks the system? Is it possible for the wealthiest 10% to own 95% of everything? 100%?

Robert Gates wants the terrorists to win

Remember when saying that the US is losing the war on Iraq would get you labeled as a dirty hippie who hates America and wants the terrorists to win? Now the President's own nominee for Anführer of the Department of War is running around acting like a dirty hippie who wants the terrorists to win. Maybe he will bring back his old friend Saddam, he's got the perfect resume for the job of cleaning up Iraq.

disappearing civil liberties on a mug

I have one of the "disappearing civil liberties" mugs mentioned on BoingBoing.

What's funny is that I've had it so long it doesn't fade as effectively and so whenever I drink coffee from it I feel a little bit hopeful. Like somehow it actually means something that that the Fourth Amendment only becomes partially transparent instead of going away completely. How stupid is that?

god hates fags

I'm all for free speech, but I can't help but feel a bit of schadenfreude.


Iraqi popcorn

I wonder how long it will be before the latest in remote torture devices gets used in the US? Even better will be when some hackers figure out how to build one themselves and start selling kits on the internet. That will make protests so much more interesting! Dueling microwave-cannons, everyone covered in tin-foil... it will look great on teevee. Or YouTube, since teevee only seems to cover protests in the US when there is blood to show.

kill him and get it over with already

Why does the NYTimes hate our freedom?

Oh wait, he's an American citizen who was held without charges or access to legal counsel for almost two years. Oh wait, he's an American citizen who was tortured and drugged by the American government. Oh wait, he's too fucked in the head now to stand trial.

Imagine being stuck in a cell for nearly two years without any light, with a steel platform for a bed, and under constant surveillance. The only time you are taken out your eyes and ears are covered so you can't see or hear a thing. You are only taken out to visit medical personnel or to be tortured (and if the claims of being drugged are true, perhaps the torturers and the medical personnel are the same people). You have never been convicted of a crime.

Is it any wonder Padilla is so fucked up now that he isn't even sure if his lawyers are actually lawyers and not a further part of the interrogation? A few days of treatment like that and most people would snap.

you suck worse than your stupid blog

This morning I was taking a look at my blog, mostly to see how godawful ugly my template is when I noticed the little "next blog" button up top. Of course I made the mistake of clicking that, which took me here:

This has inspired me to begin what will hopefully become a regular feature of clicking the next button once a day and writing about whatever shitty blog it takes me to (unless I get bored with it, or miraculously it only takes me to blogs which aren't shit).

His current post is a whole bunch of veiled whining about how Christians are persecuted.

How many times have you been shot at or convicted or beaten for talking about Jesus? It happens every day in our world. How many times have people called you names for being Christian or made you look bad? It happens often right here where we live. Are we ashamed? It is not about getting the abuse. It is all about bringing attention to our great God. He is awesome and I am not ashamed.
Now this guy lives in fucking Virginia. I don't think a lot of people are shooting or beating Christians there, maybe atheists or Muslims. Everyone picks on atheists, and cracker ass motherfuckers like that blogger are always picking on Muslims. Just the other day a friend of mine was walking down the street with a scarf over her head (it was cold out) and an SUV pulled up next to her and the driver started screaming fucked up anti-Muslim shit at her. She told me she wasn't that scared though because the guy had his family in the car so she figured he wouldn't do anything besides scream shit at her. She flipped him off and he peeled out of there. Of course he had a Jesus fish on the back of his car. Because you know, Jesus was a hate filled warmonger who went around harassing lone women walking down the street in front of fucking children.

So all of that is a round-about way of saying this: CHRISTIANS MAKE THEMSELVES LOOK BAD. It's not me who is doing it, I'm just calling you on your shit. You are all self-righteous hypocrites. Literally, all of you. Pull the fucking plank out of your own eye asshole and shut the fuck up about the rest of us. Also, go re-read your fucking bible. You guys suck at reading comprehension. Because you no doubt missed it: Jesus was a fucking revolutionary. If you want to follow in his footsteps you shouldn't be trying to turn the US government into a theocracy, you should be trying to overthrow capitalism and eradicate consumerism. Camels and needles, no?

Monday, December 04, 2006

you and whose army?

I keep having conversations with people who are convinced the world is going to end soon. Not necessarily end in the sense of "Armageddon" or anything metaphysical like that. They are generally intelligent and well educated people, they have professional jobs and families; the combination of peak oil and global warming has them freaked out that there is going to be some kind of a civilization collapse.

As cynical and pessimistic as I am, I just don't see it though. If we do cross peak oil before significant alternative-energy infrastructure has been created I can definitely see a serious global economic downturn. If the worst-case global warming scenarios turn out to be correct I can see a serious refugee crisis combined with a global economic downturn. I can't see civilization coming apart though. The demand for cheap plastic crap will continue and the system will adapt itself to perpetuate its production.

the pandemonium has just begun

Santas get sneezed upon up to ten times a day, fend off children pulling their beards and mop up after children who frequently wet their laps, according to the survey of hundreds of men who work as seasonal Santa Claus characters.

So says, Reuters via MSNBC. If that is not the epitome of The Holiday Season™ I do not know what is. Old fat men sitting in malls in absurd costumes getting paid to let squirming maggots piss in their laps while making demands for whatever cheap plastic shit the teevee has told them is en vogue among their age category.

You know what? FUCK CHRISTMAS. Fuck your fake ass made up consumerist holiday. The "holiday spirit" is as much of a lie as Santa is. Fuck you for thinking I'm a "scrooge" just because your holiday is bullshit and I can't take it anymore.

One of the worst things about XMAS is the forced gift-giving. Everyone I know gives something away to someone they hate just because they feel obligated by The Spirit of the Holiday Season™ or because they know that if they don't it will create drama. Think about that redneck shithead uncle, or your alcoholic wife-beater of a brother. You know who I'm talking about. You hate their guts, you never talk to them except when you have to (probably only at family gatherings). Why the fuck should they get anything from you? It's because Christmas is manufactured to get you to buy shit. It's that simple. You buy shit for people you hate because you have been programmed to do it.

in the beginning...

Hello and welcome to my new blog. I figured there weren't enough blogs in the world already and that my voice was different and unique and thus must be shared with the world. So here I am, another voice in the cacophony.

Seriously, I started blogging long ago and then got a little burned out and gave up. Back then there weren't nearly as many blogs nor as many blog readers. Stylistically, many others had done what I was doing and content-wise they were as good or better. Thus my poor old blog died a sad and lonely death. Not one of my dozen regular readers complained when I put it out of its misery.

So why should you read my new blog? Well, after a 3+ year hiatus and now with some limited anonymity I am full of piss and vinegar (note to fellow-bloggers, it is so much easier to write anonymously - try it and you will discover the subtle self-censorship of your previous words). I imagine I will be more entertaining, stylistically and content-wise. No holds barred, no punches pulled. It's all eye-gouges, kidney-punches, and nut-crushing-ball-squeezes from here on out.

Now, assuming you are a new reader and have not read any other posts (since there are none yet) you are probably wondering (assuming you have read this far) what the fuck this blog is about. Well, I don't really know yet. I imagine it will be a lot of pissed off ranting and raving about politics and culture, broadly defined. If that is your cup of tea then you have come to the right place. If it isn't then fuck off and die; anyone who doesn't care about politics and culture doesn't care about the future of the world and is a worthless human being.

Friday, December 01, 2006


it works?