Thursday, December 14, 2006

Michael Crighton jumps the shark

Being a crazy wingnut global warming denier just wasn't enough for the famed science fiction author:

“Next,” Michael Crichton’s new novel about the perils of biotechnology, has not proved as polarizing as his previous thriller, “State of Fear,” which dismisses global warming. But one of the new book’s minor characters — Mick Crowley, a Washington political columnist who rapes a baby — may be a literary dagger aimed at Michael Crowley, a Washington political reporter who wrote an unflattering article about Mr. Crichton this year.

That is seriously fucked up, but can't help but make me wonder why it is that Michael Crichton is featuring babies being raped in his latest novel. What's up with that shit? I can't imagine any reason to include a baby being raped in a work of fiction unless the work is specifically about people who rape babies or something. How the fuck did he jam a baby raping political columnists named after a critic into a novel about the evils of biotech?!?!


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