Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Jesus = teh sexy

What is it with the conservative Christians and sex?

Of course they don't say what exactly Pastor Beard was busted for, except that Ted Haggard didn't get methed up and fuck him in the ass. But chances are, if it's enough to get him fired it involved going mano y mano with someone...

Dear Christians, if you like gay sex even a little bit deep down where you don't tell anyone about it except Jesus - YOU ARE GAY. It's too bad that Jesus hates faggots like you.

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At 11:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dunno...a hot unmarried, 33 year old, jewish carpenter living with 12 other men who call him Teacher? you do the math.

At 12:51 PM, Blogger Mary Cheney's Love Child said...

You hit it.
Why is Jesus so sexy? Assuming he was a real person, no one knows what he looked like. Yet you always see him barely clothed and totally cut. It's Jesus as modern celebrity. Like he spends his mornings working out at the gym and his afternoons at the spa.
It's no wonder so many deeply closeted conservatives are drawn to Christianity.


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