Wednesday, December 20, 2006

George W. Bush is a dirty fucking hippie

He says we're losing in Iraq!

Ok, he doesn't exactly say that:

As he searches for a new strategy for Iraq, Bush has now adopted the formula advanced by his top military adviser to describe the situation. "We're not winning, we're not losing," Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post. The assessment was a striking reversal for a president who, days before the November elections, declared, "Absolutely, we're winning."

But what the fuck does it mean to say we aren't winning or losing. We're stuck in neutral? Does that make any kind of sense? We're occupying a foreign country with a deteriorating infrastructure, a powerful insurgency movement, and a growing civil war. How can you be neither losing or winning in a situation like that? If you aren't winning you are losing. We are losing.


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