Monday, December 11, 2006


Something I don't understand: Only 500 Iraqi refugees are allowed in the US per year.

It seems like the least we could do is let more of the refugees in to our country. We are the primary cause of their need to flee their homes. Until recently it was our soldiers occupying Iraq which were the primary cause for the refugees inability to return to their homes. Now the civil war is the primary cause, but I'm sure the heavy hand of occupation is still a factor (and would there really be a civil war if there was not an occupation?).

In short:
The US is responsible for creating hundreds of thousands of Iraqi refugees.

The US has a moral obligation to mitigate the misery of these refugees.

The treatment of these refugees by the US is immoral.

Now you might be thinking, "who gives a fuck, you anti-american librul?" or something along those lines. The answer is that no one gives a fuck. Thousands of Iraqi civilians die per month and no Americans give a fuck, it's part of being an immoral nation that the average person doesn't care about the atrocities done in their name. It's hard enough for most Americans to work up any guilt about dead US soldiers, why should anyone care about Iraqis?



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